
Safety identification for the content of piping systems and tank – Berlin for ISO TC145, WG6

Geplaatst op 11 October 2018

Piping systems and tank – Work is currently being done at the DIN offices in Berlin on further detailing the draft standard ISO/TC 145/SC 02/WG 06 “Safety identification for the content of piping systems and tanks” to produce a draft (CD) version.

As a knowledge partner for safety signage, Blomsma Signs & Safety provides input for this working group. Specifically, our general manager Willem Heijboer is the convenor and our divisional manager Brian Lenos attends as an expert. The purpose is to develop an international standard for marking pipelines and tanks. After CD status is achieved, the standard can be presented to the various national committees. This allows differences in national norms to be bridged so that a uniform system can be created.

This working group has been busy on the new standard for some time, with already 6 meetings that were being held in Delft and Milan, among other locations. Other countries that have been involved are France, Germany, the United States, the United Kingdom, Belgium, Italy, South Korea and Japan. Willem Heijboer and Brian Lenos are representing the NEN from the Netherlands during the gathering in Berlin.

The ISO/TC 145 committee, which was set up in1984, focuses on normalisation regarding the design and application of graphical symbols and other coding in working environments and in public spaces, looking in particular at informational and safety aspects. This covers the use of symbols, for example.

Please contact us if you would like to know more about Blomsma’s activities for the ISO committee on graphical symbols. Or for more information about our piping systems and tank signage. For an overview of all applicable norms and legislation, please go to our web page.


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