
Evacuation plans

What is an evacuation plan?

An evacuation plan is an understandable representation of the architectural situation which provides insight into the possible escape routes in the event of an emergency. Evacuation plans also have safety symbols which show the location of, for example, fire fighting and rescue equipment. They are part of information facilities on land, maritime and offshore installations. We have 40 years of experience in producing evacuation plans. Evacuation plans by Blomsma: clear and according to the standard.

“Plan displayed for the occupants of a facility on which are illustrated the necessary elements for escape and on which may appear information required for information, rescue and first intervention” – ISO 23601:2009

More about ISO 23601

The ISO 23601 is a worldwide standard for evacuation plans, when there is a need to realize an international and harmonized safety signage system, we recommend to use the ISO 23601.

Primarily, an evacuation plan is tailored for use in the event of an emergency. However, even without an emergency, an evacuation plan is functional as an information provision for location determination. This gives interested parties information about their position in a building or on a site and at the same time provides information about emergency exits and escape routes.

Evacuation plans legally required

Evacuation of buildings is one of the requirements of the Working Conditions Act, which states, among other things, that safety, health and welfare in the workplace must be ensured (Working Conditions Act ch. 2, Article 3.1.E).

To achieve this, in accordance with the Working Conditions Act chapter 3 (Article 15), an organization must have a company emergency response organization and a thorough evacuation plan. This is also stated in the Building Act 2012 chapter 6. The building code refers to the NTA 8112 (now NEN 8112) for the elaboration, where implicitly evacuation plans are described and a reference to the NEN 1414.

Evacuation plans part of a safety signage system

Evacuation plans, as information carriers, are part of a safety signage system according to ISO/TS 20559. When the floor plans are manufactured according to the standard, the use of colors (ISO 3864) and symbols (ISO 7010) correspond to the existing safety signs. The ISO 23601 also names the complementary function of evacuation plan signs to an escape route guidance system, such as the ISO 16069.

“Escape and evacuation plan signs shall be located so that they are conspicuous in their environment of use and sited to ensure that they are accessible and readable to the intended user” – ISO 16069:2017

More about ISO 16069

Evacuation plans by Blomsma: clear and according to the standard, designed with attention to understandability to the end user.

Evacuation plans recognizable

Recognition and attention value are increased by using primary safety colors and a simple design. The format and design will be tailored to the environment. A format that is too small will result in the plan not being sufficiently recognizable or legible. When the added value of evacuation plans is seen and it is not just a legal requirement, there is room to implement them appropriately and easily recognizable.

The ISO 16069 describes the use of phosphorescent material for evacuation plans to provide a point of orientation even in the event of sudden light failure. The designs of the floor plans can be tailored to the environment and application.

There are exchange frames (possibly in a safety green frame edge), aluminum panels for outdoor installations, tight panels with folded edges and glass-look panels with stainless steel mounting bosses. The floor plans can also be executed in the same style or design as a signage system. With each version, the recognition and function of the evacuation plans remains the primary starting point.

The presence of understandable evacuation plans is part of the safety of visitors and employees. This also applies to the stores of multichannel retailer Coolblue. You can read more about our work for Coolblue in the project case.

go to the coolblue evacutation plans project

Evacuation plans by Blomsma: clear and according to the standard, designed with attention to understandability to the end user.

Our products and services

Creating an evacuation plan yourself can be a challenging and time-consuming task. When it is not part of the daily work and specialist knowledge and practical experience is lacking, the time invested can lead to an ineffective result.

Producing evacuation plans is a process of planning ahead, connecting and checking carefully. For example, there should be no conflict between existing escape route signage and depicted escape routes.  When making evacuation plans for your company, we not only ensure good attention value so that passers-by are stimulated to look at them, but we also ensure that the evacuation plans comply with legal requirements and standards.

Blomsma Signs & Safety creates evacuation plans with simple stylistic imagery. This improves readability, even for people who are not used to reading technical drawings, and stimulates an unambiguous interpretation of information. It contributes to a good orientation and transfer of relevant evacuation information.