
Low Location Lighting

What is Low Location Lighting?

Low Location Lighting is an electrically powered lighting or phosphorescent system that is installed low to the ground and indicates escape routes and (emergency) exits. Blomsma is a specialist in the field of installation, measurement and certification of Low Location Lighting systems.

“The purpose of such a system is given by IMO resolutions A.752(18) and SOLAS regulation II-2/ i.e. it shall enable passengers and crew to clearly identify the routes of escape and the relevant exits when the normal emergency lighting is less effective due to smoke” – ISO 15307:2021

More about ISO15370:2010

The term Low Location Lighting is a specific term for escape route guidance systems in the maritime sector, which is mandatory for several ships according to IMO and SOLAS regulations. Escape route guidance systems for buildings differ on several points, from the legal framework and the escape route philosophy. Please see our product page on escape route guidance systems.

A Low Location Lighting (LLL) system is characterized by the least amount of intermittent marking in corridors and stairwells and displays the escape routes, changes in direction of the escape route, markings of stairs and exits, and the locations of fire prevention and rescue equipment. The system also provides instruction panels in accommodation areas and cabins showing the operation of the LLL system.

“low-location lighting system : electrically powered lighting or phosphorescent guidance lines or indicators and relevant signs placed as continuous as practicable along the escape routes relevant to passenger and crew accommodation spaces to readily identify such routes when the normal or the emergency light is less effective due to smoke” – ISO 15370:2021

More about ISO15370:2010

Operation of Low Location Lighting System

Low Location Lighting is installed low to the ground, no more than 300mm from the floor. In the event of light loss, the system becomes visible by activating the internal lighting or by its after-lighting effect. In case of fire and smoke development the visibility of the regular emergency lighting systems is almost completely reduced. Due to its positioning low to the ground, the escape route guidance remains visible even in the event of smoke development.

The use of after-lighting material for LLL systems has the advantage that no electrical systems need to be installed. There is also no power consumption. To provide a qualitative system, ISO standards have been developed such as the ISO15370 (LLL on Passenger Ships) and the ISO17398 (Classification, performance and durability of safety signs).

The escape routes and locations of fire prevention and rescue equipment shall be displayed with symbols in accordance with IMO / ISO 24409 (shipboards safety signs). The system shall be in accordance with the escape route plan and/or safety plan. The escape routes are shown in primary and secondary routes, where primary reference is made to assembly points.

Legal framework for a Low Location Lighting system

A low location lighting system is mandatory for ships with more than 36 passengers according to IMO Resolution A.752(18) and SOLAS (1974) II-2/28 paragraph 1.10 and II-2/41-2 paragraph 4.7. Ships meeting the criteria set forth in Resolution MSC. 266(84) Code Of Safety For Special Purpose Ships – Chapter 8 Life-Saving Appliances shall be provided with LLL. Mobile offshore drilling units (Mobile Offshore Drilling Units) shall be fitted with Low Location Lighting as described in IMO A/1023(26) 9.4 Means of Escape (

In addition to the legal framework, almost every accommodation and living space on offshore platforms is provided with a Low Location Lighting system.

Implementation of Low Location Lighting system

The implementation of a Low Location Light system starts with the preparation of a (LLL) sign plan that corresponds to the escape route philosophy and is presented to the controlling authority for approval. Then the entire system is installed with certified material by Blomsma Signs & Safety. After installation, the LLL measurement takes place so that the performance of the light output can be measured. The measurement is carried out under the supervision of the inspection authority by trained and certified Blomsma personnel.

Measurement and Certification

A Low Location Lighting system should be inspected for completeness and light output at least every five years. Our trained engineers perform an on-site inspection and measurements and report the findings. Measuring the light output takes place with approved and calibrated equipment.

Blomsma Signs & Safety is accredited by DNV to inspect LLL systems. We offer installation, measurement and certification of LLL systems. Our certificate can be found under Downloads.



Our Services

Blomsma Signs & Safety is a full service provider for LLL systems; from engineering to installation. We also take care of the inspections, measurements and maintenance of your Low Location Lighting system.

  • Design LLL system / Signplan
  • Supply PL and LED LLL systems
  • Installation of LLL systems
  • Drawing and design of LLL instructions
  • Inspection and measurement
  • Maintenance and Repair

Contact us if you would like to know more about Low Location Light in your building, ship or offshore installation.