
NAM extends framework contract with Blomsma Signs & Safety

Geplaatst op 1 April 2014

NAM extends framework contract – The NAM (Nederlandse Aardolie Maatschappij, 50% Shell/50% Exxon) extended the contract with Blomsma Signs & Safety for two years to the end of 2015. The contract includes manufacturing, delivery, engineering, installation, and maintenance of health and safety signage.

Blomsma Signs & Safety started the first sign project for NAM in 1982 on an offshore platform. In 2006, prior to the start of the onshore locations, Blomsma developed a Technical Standard describing all relevant safety signage in close collaboration with NAM. Therefore, NAM extends the framework contract with Blomsma.

The focus of the contract is the conversion of the former hazard symbols to GHS hazard symbols on piping and tanks and the implementation of safety signage according to ISO7010 on greenfield locations. Where necessary, any present evacuation plan signs will be updated with symbols according to ISO23601 and ISO7010.

Please feel free to contact us for more information.

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